Important: the exam code (voucher) is valid for 12 months, but check the exact date indicated by ISACA in the email message.
The exam format will include:
- 75 questions
- Multiple choice
- 120 minutes
- One correct answer for each question, using three choices (A, B or C)
- Pass rate is 65% or higher
Exam Candidate Guides
Exam Scheduling Guide
How to register a voucher?
Follow this video for a walkthrough of the steps below.
- Log in to your ISACA account at
- Locate the product in the ISACA store and click on the item to be taken to the item product page.
- Click “Add to Cart” and “Proceed to Checkout”.
- For Exams please also note there will be an exam registration form to complete first before you can “Add to Cart”.
- Note: you must repeat the checkout for each code you wish to redeem. You cannot redeem multiple codes in one checkout.
- If you copy-paste the code, please be careful not to pick up a trailing or leading space.
- If the "Apply" button is grayed out, click anywhere on the screen or click TAB to activate the button.
7. Click the “Proceed to Billing” button to complete the purchase process.
Customer Support - for any assistance please contact ISACA Customer Experience Center at: or at +1-847-660-5505.