To create a PeopleCert Account:
- Visit
- Hover over the account icon and click on create an account link.
- Fill in the form, check I agree to PeopleCert’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click on the "JOIN PEOPLECERT" button.
- You will receive a "welcome to PeopleCert" message via email and you will automatically be able to sign into your account.
Note: You can choose how your name appears on your certificates. Τhere is a sample and you can preview your selected format.
Note: If you have forgotten your password click on Forgot Password? and enter the requested details.
If you require any help resetting your password you can call, or email customer support at
Sections on your PeopleCert account:
You can view at a glance any pending activities or upcoming exams, your certification credits with PeopleCert, and the upcoming certificate surveillance dates, where applicable.
My Profile
You can view your personal data.
Click EDIT PERSONAL DETAILS to change your Contact Information or the fields:
- Photo ID Type,
- Photo ID Number,
- Photo ID Issue Date,
- Birth Date,
- Gender.
You may update your name only before completing your first exam registration.
If any further modifications are needed, please contact
Certifications & Memberships
You can view all certificates obtained through PeopleCert and upload other third party certificates.
Exam History
You can view all your past and future exams and you can access your Statement of Results once you are notified by PeopleCert that the official results are issued.
Purchase History
You can view the history of your purchases.
Additional options:
You can purchase:
- Hard copies of the certificates you have acquired
- Professional Development membership vouchers (e.g. AXELOS Professional Development)
My Files
You can upload your CV, previous certificates and any documentation needed to be submitted
as a prerequisite for the specific exam you register for.